Product number: 5721

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    Première immatriculation: 26.09.2003
    Condition of vehicle:gebraucht
    Vehicle type:Anhänger 2 Achsen
    Model/type name:
    Initial registration:26.09.2003
    Kerb weight:4750 kg
    Type of axles:Jost
    Length in mm:8250
    Height in mm:2500
    Front suspension:Luft
    Middle suspension:Luft
    Brakes (type):Scheiben
    Superstructure manufacturer:Jansky
    Total tank volume:15.000 liter
    Number of tank chambers:3
    Tank volume chamber 1:5.000 liter
    Tank volume chamber 2:5.000 liter
    Tank volume chamber 3:5.000 liter

    Gebr. Langensiepen GmbH | Industriegebiet Lützelwiesen | An der Pfarrwiese 4-6 | D-35428 Langgöns
    Tel.: +49 6403 9000-0 | Fax: +49 6403 9000-40 | Mobil: +49 171 726 76 55 | Mobil: +49 171 671 55 28 |
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